Friday, October 06, 2006

Round 2 of pics

Blogger has some limits on pics per post or I split these up.

All the following are from "Knitting for Young America"

I nearly cried while laughing when I first saw this. Read the subtitle in parenthesis.
Can you imagine having one of those pigtails for every sweater you have?

The girl looks so serious in this pic...maybe she wanted pigtails too...

This set is kind of interesting...I've never seen a knitted umbrella cover before; there is probably a reason for mildew...Does anyone know what that thing is on the upper right?

Again, didn't know what to make of this one...maybe it would be good for scrap yarn Xmas tree ornaments for kids to make.

I might post yet more pics a little later...these are some of the best, though.


  1. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Oh my gosh, this is a scream! Thank you for cheering up my day with these pics! That Pigtail thing cracked me up completely, it looks so freaky, and I agree, just imagine having one of those with all the sweaters we own? LOOOL! ;)
    The Dutch Cap rocks too, it looks... well, it looks... you see, I'm at a loss for words - did people really run around like that? ;)

  2. I think it might be a flask holder...
